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Effective Tips That Will Help To Repair Your Credit


When attempting a credit repair to make your credit right once more, it is imperative that you present a solution to all those that you owe money to, and don't deviate from anything you commit to once it is in place. You need to make a commitment to changing your spending habits. Only buy what Continue Reading

Ways Young People Can Build A Strong Credit Record


Looking to build a strong credit history? Great. We are explaining just how to do that. It is not simple by no means, but if it was simple, everyone would have done it. Loan Away has attached a great guide by Forbes as a reference. Fobes was used because they asked 10 members of their Financial council Continue Reading

Using Your Saving To Pay Off Debt?


Should or should you not? Well, this depends on several factors like if you have children, do you pay rent or a mortgage, debt interest rate, and more. We are using the example below from two cents Lifehackers. The question is "I have $2000 credit card debt at 6.9% and $4000 in savings. Should I Continue Reading

Are you ready for a unplanned expense? (Most aren’t)


  Can only 39% of North Americans cover a $1,000 unplanned expense? This report is according to Bankrate. Bankrate says that if a unplanned expense happened, 39% will pay from their saving, 19% will finance with their credit card, 13% will reduce spending, 12% will borrow from a friend or family, and 5% would take out Continue Reading

Assets that make up wealth


Ever wonder what the profilio of the average person looks like compared to the wealthy? It's quite different. The wealthy do not have millions of dollars in their bank account, instead, they have assets such as stocks, mutual funds, real estate, and business investments. What does the average person have? Most of their net worth is from their Continue Reading

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