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Myths about mutual funds


Canadians mostly invest in mutual funds, so won't it be beneficial if Canadians knew the myths about their investment? Loan Away definitely thinks Canadians should be aware how everything about the mutual funds they invest in. This is the reason we have searched the internet for the best resource to explain exactly that for your clients. We Continue Reading

Pay off your student loans this year


Another year, another year with student loan debt. It does not have to be that way if you have dedication, hard work, and focus on paying off your debt. There are five steps that are sure to help you pay your student debt as quickly as possible. However, these tips will only work if you Continue Reading

Car loan refinancing in 3 steps


A car is often the second largest loan the average Canadian has; the first being a house loan. Refinancing your car loan can save you thousands of dollars if done right according to our source, We will source the article below so you can read their entire article here for your convenience.  Before we provide you Continue Reading

Payday Lender versus Government


Payday Lenders thrive on providing short-term loans to people for over %200. This is already criminal offense according to financial experts, however, Charles M. Hallinan, may have to pay just under 500 million due to racketeering.  If you are unfamiliar with the term racketeering, here is a definition of the term. This is just one the Continue Reading

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